Robotic process automation (RPA) is the deployment of software robots that operate on top of existing IT infrastructure.
RPA机器人与软件的交互类似于人类, 但它们能更快更准确地完成重复性任务. 它们可以24/7/365全天候工作,并在现有的应用程序和系统中发挥作用. 他们总是按照程序来做, 也就是说它们的行为是可预测的, 安全和无错误. 最重要的是, they liberate personnel to reallocate time and attention to value-add finance functions and innovation opportunities.
在CFGI, 我们的跨职能财务和RPA专家确定, 执行并扩展组织中最有价值的自动化用例. We have supported more than 500 automation cases and have helped create end-to-end automation Centers of Excellence and Robotic Operating Models for global clients of all sizes.
我们的使命很简单: Empower lasting finance transformation using Intelligent Automation and 亚博电子游戏网站.
成本效益, ease of deployment and unceasing productivity have earned RPA its reputation as a powerful disruptor. Organizations have already leveraged RPA to save millions of dollars and eliminate thousands of FTE hours by:
- 自动化重复和耗时的任务.
- 削减与低效流程相关的运营成本.
- 控制操作风险.
- 减少与手工业务流程相关的错误.
- 提高数据的可靠性和有效性.
- 快速部署: Monolithic 实现s and custom integrations are not necessary to deploy RPA bots, which are easily configured to complete processes spanning multiple applications.
- 连续正常运行时间: 无人值守的RPA机器人可以全天候工作, ensuring that data is constantly processed and ready for use by other systems or human personnel.
- Ruled-based性能: Bots never deviate from their programming; they follow a set of rules that adhere strictly to an organization’s security and governance protocols.
RPA是在实现人类自动化的过程中使用的强大工具之一. RPA本身并不是人工智能和机器学习. Companies looking for real competitive advantage are beginning to combine RPA with AI. 想想软件机器人, 或“机器人,作为“仿生手臂”来处理特定的, 基于规则的业务流程. 它们不能取代人类, but augment their ability to complete high-value tasks unencumbered by data entry, 数据迁移和其他繁琐的琐事.
在遇到需要人工判断的工作流异常时, 例如在审计期间调查数据差异, 机器人会通知指定人员,然后由他们接管.
以这种方式将机器人从人类中解放出来,提高了工作满意度. Rather than enabling processes through tedious clerical tasks, people are enabled by 进行有意义和创新工作的过程.
CFGI is uniquely qualified to help organizations realize RPA’s benefits through custom 实现s, 我们的团队提供端到端的战略支持. 启用此级别服务的属性包括以下内容:
作为金融服务和会计领域声誉卓著、值得信赖的合作伙伴, CFGI拥有丰富的经验和深厚的金融专业知识. We leverage this knowledge to identify strategic automation opportunities that maximize the short- and long-term value of each 实现.
我们指导亚博电子游戏网站完成转型旅程的每一步, 分享我们丰富的知识, 经验, 经过验证的方法和知识产权. 从工艺选择到概念验证和试验, coe的开发, 实现, 测试和扩展, our finance experts ensure that high-value strategic end goals are always in sight.
CFGI provides the tactical support necessary to seamlessly integrate intelligent automation solutions with your live production systems. All of our developers work in-house and coordinate closely with our financial consultants and our customers’ IT stakeholders and finance leaders.
我们的每个开发人员都精通领先的RPA平台, 并具有丰富的复杂自动化工作经验.
CFGI has the resources of a large finance consultant but provides boutique-level attention to detail and service. 我们与亚博电子游戏网站密切合作,确保成本得到控制, 按时完成,超额完成预期.
RPA in finance is a no-brainer due to the vast amount of data-processing involved in workflows. RPA’s role is to improve data dependability and efficacy by getting information where it’s needed, 当需要的时候.
- 数据输入/提取: Pushing and pulling information from various sources of structured and unstructured data including applications, 电子表格, 发票, 检查, 工作订单等等, 并将其作为更大的工作流程的一部分.
- 数据验证/和解: Validating data used in finance workflows and reconciling multitudes of records compiled from many sources to ensure that the information being used to make decisions is accurate.
- 数据迁移: Integrating legacy systems and new applications to pool information; this scales back on manual data-migration tasks and prevents important data from falling through the cracks.
有CFGI的眼光, 战略指导和技术能力的掌舵, 我们的亚博电子游戏网站可以在以下领域开始自动化流程:
RPA bots can collect, validate and reconcile data used for general accounting purposes. 自动化可以用来优化税务活动, 计算和应用分配, 维持固定资产成本等等.
Accountants and managers can spend less time seeking out discrepancies 和更多的 time investigating those that have already been discovered by software robots.
Accounts payable and procure-to-pay (P2P) teams can use bots to log non-EDI 发票, 自动阻止发票的电子游戏网站, 处理费用审批等等, 而人们专注于高价值的任务.
同样的, accounts receivable personnel can manage exceptions and leave invoice validation, 纠纷处理, 将现金支付给未偿余额,并让机器人做其他家务.
财务主管可以使用RPA来帮助他们收集和清理数据进行分析, 建立财务标准报告, 和更多的.
RPA’s unparallelled data-handling capabilities help ensure that information used to construct reports is truly representative of operational conditions.
- 消费银行业务.
- 保险.
- 亚博电子游戏网站支持.
- 人力资源.
- 供应链管理.
- 医疗保健.
- 和更多的.
Lock down the competitive advantage of RPA, and begin taking steps toward finance transformation. 今天就联系CFGI的专家.
CFGI has been an excellent partner in helping us successfully build and grow our automation program. 他们成功了, 其他供应商没有的地方, to deliver RPA on time and within budget and we continue to leverage their industry 经验.